Thursday, 28 June 2018

How To Maintain Your Car

Learning to maintain the car is a very crucial element of learning to drive the car. If you are planning to learn to be a responsible driver and own a car, you will have to learn to take care of the same. Hence, we shall discuss some of the ways in which you can ensure that you have a healthy and well functioning car.

Check the tires-You are required to check the tires to ensure that they are properly inflated. If there is any indication of wear and tear, you are advised to immediately get the tire replaced. This is very crucial. Keep checking the tire pressure on a regular basis. Tire gauges are readily available in the market and at reasonable prices. Hence, try to get hold of one and make use of it.

Oil-The oil needs to be changed periodically after the car has traversed a significant amount of distance. This is important to keep the engine functioning properly and steadily. Also, keep a regular check on the oil.

Belts-The belts are very important safety features in the car. Hence it is important that they are in good condition and are functional. Keep a regular check on the belts.

The interior of the car-The interior of the car cannot be cleaned with water. You have to dry clean the interior. Hence, make sure of a vacuum cleaner to clean the interior.

For driving improvement classes in Maryland, consider All Pro Driving Classes.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Why should one be careful while driving

Even though riding a car feels like freedom you must take care of other people as. Not being safe on road leads to endangerment of one's own and other life. Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death and injury. A defensive driver safety program can help reduce the risk and keep people safer on road. Defensive driving is being learned by many drivers to protect themselves and their families with courses featuring the most deep and  driver oriented training curriculum which is based on the instructor-led courses from national safety council.
The defensive driving course is done in sessions. Some of these sessions are as follows:

Session 1: Choices.
Session 2: Getting ready for the Road.
Session 3: Don’t Add Insult to Injury.
Session 4: Success on the Road.
Session 5: Making the driver prevent Collision.
Session 6: Driving For Life.

 Defensive driving skills is the method of driving which leads to saving of time, live and money in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. The aim of defensive driving is to reduce the risk of collision by anticipating dangerous situations and preparing for the worst on the irrespective of the fact whether the fault was done by you or other driver. This can be achieved by adherence to various general guidelines such as estimating the clear distance ahead and by maintaining a two-second rule (staying at least two seconds behind another vehicle) as well as driving vigilantly. For defensive driving and safety training courses, visit All Pro Driving School.

General Traffic Rules in America

Traffic rules must be followed irrespective of status. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. If you do not follow traffic rules, the authorities have power to revoke or suspend your license. Driving isn’t just about you. You must be careful while driving because you are driving on a road and road is not your personal property. It is the property of the government and government allows you to use it. However while using it, the government lays down certain rules that are to be followed while using it.

Here are some of the rules which must be followed while driving in America.

1) Drive Vehicles to the right of the road
2) Wear seatbelts.
3) Do not drink and drive.
4) Do not text and drive.
5) After sunset and during bad weather, turn on headlights.
6) Always use turn signals
7) On freeways and highways, slower traffic must stay in right hand lanes, while faster traffic must stick to the left hand lanes.
8) Drive within speed limits
9) Stop at the red light or when a police officer asks you to stop.
10) In case of an accident or you feel you are in danger, call 911 for medical and police services from anywhere in United States.

For Driving Improvement Classes in Maryland, consider All Pro Driving School which provides improvement classes for driving. Driving rules must be followed so as to give predictability to everyone who is using the road with you. Without following the rules, there would only be chaos in the world and people would get killed.